A new partnership between DiamArt and QPlus opens the doors of Italian fine jewellery to micro diamond surfaces.
Sep 07, 2021
The dynamic, pragmatic and tireless Diego Brea, general manager of QPlus - a specialist firm in the marketing and promotion of precious stones - tells us of his encounter with DiamArt, which has resulted in a comprehensive and wide-ranging collaboration and led him to become the DiamArt Jewellery Official Partner for Italy. As he himself emphasises, "It was love at first sight: there's excellent potential and a great desire to work hard and bring DiamArt to the attention of the Italian luxury jewellery sector". In this interview he reveals some of the feelings, impressions and reasons that caused him to establish this partnership. How the idea of throwing himself into a brand new venture gave him energy and enthusiasm. A sharing of values, principles and goals to launch DiamArt micro diamond surfaces on the Italian luxury jewellery market.

Where does your passion for jewellery come from, and what's your experience in the sector?
It began way back in 1986 in Vicenza, where I still live and work today; it's a very important city for the jewellery world. When I started, it was all to be built, invented. I studied a lot, attending several courses at the GIA (Gemological Institute of America); I was eager for technical knowledge in order to improve, to be more prepared in my work. I gained training and experience in the field, thanks to a long period in the precious stones sector, followed by seventeen years with a major Austrian brand which works mainly in glass ornaments but also - and this is not commonly known - has a division for machine-cut precious stones. This was the most important training I received in a company prior to starting my own business. It allowed me to understand and fully appreciate the beauty of this work, thanks to which I've come into contact with most of the Italian luxury jewellery firms.
You work in jewellery; how was your encounter with DiamArt?
It was almost a fatal attraction, in a good way. A breath of fresh air, a crazy adrenaline rush. I could hardly believe such a product could exist; DiamArt's micro diamond surfaces enchanted me. But being a professional, I controlled my enthusiasm and sought information and documentation to learn more about the company. And my research into the material - if that's what we want to call it - confirmed my first impression: boundless potential. I was immediately keen to place my experience at the disposal of this new product that was emerging. From the outset there was immediate empathy with all the DiamArt team.
What was it that first attracted you and, in light of your experience in the sector, what are the strengths of DiamArt micro diamond surfaces?
The first is that there's nothing like it on the market. It's an absolutely new product. So it has uniqueness and exclusivity. Then there's the versatility and adaptability: in the precious stones field, DiamArt micro diamond surfaces have an unparalleled ability to create solutions and applications across the board in all sectors, from jewellery to fashion and design. The objective value of the product: diamonds. And the absolute value that lies behind the micro diamond surfaces: patents, certifications, craftsmanship, technology, sustainability, ethics, research and knowledge. And, not least, the harmony, respect and collaboration you find in the company are unique for workers, partners and customers alike. In short, enormous potential.
We're the first to bring these products to the market; the challenge will be to get it right, so that clients see the real and perceived value they add to their items.
In terms of product positioning, where would you place DiamArt micro diamond surfaces?
A luxury for luxury. We need to address the top market segment in every category we touch. I'm completely certain of that. I know the jewellery and precious stones market and that's how I work in my field, but experience tells me it's the same for other sectors. We need to take DiamArt to its ideal target audience, and help companies to grow; we have the potential to do this.
You're very familiar with the world of jewellery and its major brands: what do you think could be the impact of micro diamond surfaces, with their unique and revolutionary nature?
All the responses I've had have been positive and appreciative. Curiosity, a desire to discover, understand, interact. It's essential and strategic to create a culture around the product, because there's nothing similar in existence, so it needs to be introduced and explained. There's a great deal of interest because it's very rare to find something so new on the market. Here again the challenge is understanding how to get the communication right.
What goals have you set yourself with DiamArt?
It's not appropriate to talk about numbers right now - we've only just got started. The first goal, which will take up most of my time in what's left of 2021, is to explore which brands might be the right partners to best express the potential of DiamArt micro diamond surfaces. Find the right people to interact with and build success for the product. We need the feeling, the empathy and affinity without which major achievements don't happen. It takes patience and a lot of hard work.
In September QPlus and DiamArt will present together at the VicenzaOro trade fair. What are you expecting from this?
I have very high expectations. In terms of relationships, in the hope that the circumstances allow, we're hoping for handshakes and eye contact without the filter of a screen. The situation's what it is, we're sailing blind, but if circumstances allow, VicenzaOro will be the perfect place to tell the world about us, establish relations and start conversations. There's a desire for physical presence and sharing - it would be wonderful to be able to do all this, and we're all hoping it will be possible.
What do you dream of doing with DiamArt?
Today's dreams are tomorrow's projects. I don't believe dreams come true by themselves; I believe in work. In doing things properly. The preconditions are excellent, but I'm an extremely pragmatic professional and I like to back up words with facts, with a willingness to work, to make an important contribution to the business we're building, because that's what we're here for. I don't make big promises and I carry in my heart the words of my father Luciano: growing grapes takes a certain time, wheat takes a different time: every thing needs the right action, and we should work well every day.