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DiamArt e Mestel lanciano i cinturini costampati gomma/micro-diamanti

Oct 21, 2021

DiamArt and Mestel launch the co-moulded rubber/micro diamonds watchstraps

In this interview Pietro Macchiarella, CEO of Mestel, describes the start of his encounter with DiamArt: born of grea...
Nuova apertura dell’esclusiva Boutique DiamArt in Dubai

Sep 21, 2021

New opening of the exclusive DiamArt Boutique in Dubai

DiamArt arrives on the MENA market with a boutique dedicated exclusively to its products. A project made possible by ...
Una nuova partnership tra DiamArt e QPlus, che apre le porte dell’alta gioielleria italiana alle superfici in Micro Diamante.

Sep 7, 2021

A new partnership between DiamArt and QPlus opens the doors of Italian fine jewellery to micro diamond surfaces.

The dynamic, pragmatic and tireless Diego Brea, general manager of QPlus - a specialist firm in the marketing and pro...
DiamArt tra ricerca e innovazione

Aug 9, 2021

DiamArt between research and innovation

Alberto Ferrari, head of research and development at DiamArt, presents the main characteristics that make micro diamo...
Le profonde radici di DiamArt

Jul 28, 2021

The deep roots of DiamArt

Isidoro Ferrari, dynamic and creative godfather to a generation of young entrepreneurs, tells us how an intuition led...
Nascono le collezioni DiamArt Superior

Jun 29, 2021

Introducing the DiamArt Superior collections

Thanks to new technology and aesthetic concepts, DiamArt introduces the 0.25 millimetre micro diamond, doubling the o...
Carlo Favaro, designer veneziano, spiega perché ha scelto DiamArt.

Jun 15, 2021

Venetian designer Carlo Favaro explains why he chose DiamArt.

The solutions prompted by micro diamond surfaces for his creations in collaboration with the Verona company. What mo...
Superfici in Micro Diamanti certificate

May 27, 2021

Certified Micro Diamond surfaces

Carat certificates for DiamArt micro diamond surfaces: a guarantee of quality, value and transparency for customers a...
Ecosostenibilità e Riutilizzo delle Risorse

May 13, 2021

Eco-sustainable processes And Reusing Resources

DiamArt has developed production and certification processes and ethical protocols which guarantee maximum transparen...
Le nuove collezioni: Dorata e Aurea

Apr 30, 2021

The new collections: Dorata and Aurea

DiamArt presents the latest creations in luxury, technology and beauty. DiamArt is a constantly-evolving company in a...
Il Micro Diamante può essere il nuovo orizzonte per l’interior design di lusso?  Il caso studio con Anca Rotaru

Apr 2, 2021

Can Micro Diamond be the new horizon for the Interior luxury design? The case study with Anca Rotaru

Anca Rotaru is a Romanian designer who lives and works in London and Madrid, and the first prize winner in the compet...
Nicolò Fuser, Chief Product Officer di DiamArt, racconta l'artigianalità e la produzione delle superfici in micro diamanti

Mar 1, 2021

Nicolò Fuser, Chief Product Officer at DiamArt, tells us about the craftsmanship and production of micro diamond surfaces.

Can DiamArt be summed up in a definition? Craftsmanship supported by technology. For DiamArt, the concept of crafts...
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